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第一份文件:由編輯Alexandra B.修改



Thank you for allowing me to help you revise your personal statement and for using wordvice.com.tw.

First, I wanted to say that you have an interesting narrative that effectively conveys both your desire to be admitted to this program and your impressive qualifications. I edited for clarity and corrected minor grammatical mistakes and errors. In addition, I provided additional suggestions in the comments. If you have any questions or concerns about the changes that I made, please send me a message. I would be happy to answer.





第二份文件:由編輯Amanda D.修改



Thank you for the opportunity to work on your statement of purpose for your application. It sounds like you are really passionate about fashion and have a great deal of relevant experience.

Your letter is comprehensive and well-rounded. You provide detailed, descriptive examples of your experience in studying fashion and working in the fashion field and show your creativity and innovation while doing so. You also do a good job of indicating you’ve learned much in your studies/work but recognize that you have room to grow and that the MA program you’re applying to will be a good fit for you to continue your education.

I wish you the best in your endeavors! Thank you for using wordvice.com.tw. If you have any future projects that need editing, please do not hesitate to ask for me, Amanda D., by name.





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