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  1. 找到【Wordvice Taiwan臉書粉絲專頁】。
  2. 在此活動置頂貼文下方『按讚』並『留言』下面完整一行字:我要WORDVICE免費修改留學文件。
  3. 申請文件(SOP、PS、推薦信、履歷)擇一寄送到admissions@wordvice.com。信件抬頭: 臉書姓名_文件種類 例: Charlene Wang_SoP
  4. 以上步驟都需完成,才算取得報名資格喔。



修改完稿內可以看見  1.追蹤修訂痕跡(輕鬆比對修改前後文),  2. 右邊是外籍編輯的整體評價跟細部評價(例如單字選用或冗句刪除的原因)。




謝謝wordvice Gali L.專業的批改,自己寫好sop真的很不簡單,但是透過專業角度逐字逐句以及架構的分析,


由編輯Gail, L.修改


Thank you for using wordvice! Your statement of purpose has a good balance between stating your career and professional goals and describing your achievement, including showcasing why you will be successful in their program. I have edited your document carefully to eliminate errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation, while also refining word choice and sentence structure to improve clarity.

The second comment addresses the tone of the essay. My comment is a little long, but I would recommend you read and review the comment carefully and consider how you might make the tone of this essay more engaging and/or personal — perhaps by adding a greater level of detail in your description of your experiences and/or by explaining your personal motivations for your marketing philosophy.

Please let me know if you have any questions about these edits or comments. And feel free to request me by name (Gail L.) if you need editing services in the future!



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