溫哥華參考文獻格式產生器 (免費)
溫哥華(Vancouver)格式被數百種科學期刊使用,包括IEEE和MEDLINE。 在參考文獻方面,科學期刊有自己的作者指南。 溫哥華格式與其他幾種格式不同,它包含了任何作者-序號體系,但不規定格式的具體細節。查看溫哥華格式引用指南,了解具體的溫哥華引用規則。
- 格式
- 姓氏, 名字首字母 中間名首字母. 網頁標題 [Internet]. 網站名稱. 出版年份 [cited 存取日期]. Available from: URL
- 範例
- 1. Kim A. How I Became a Full-Time Freelance Editor (and How You Can, Too) [Internet]. Medium. 2020 [cited 2020 Sep 9]. Available from: https://medium.com/wordviceediting/how-i-became-a-full-time-freelance-editor-and-how-you-can-too-7e694d1792bc
貢獻者 Contributors
網頁標題 Page Title
網站名稱 Website Name
出版日期 Date Published
存取日期 Date Accessed
溫哥華格式,也被稱為作者-序號體系(auther-number system),被包括IEEE和MEDLINE在內的數百種科學期刊採用。科學期刊在參考文獻方面有自己的作者指南,很多指南都遵循作者-序號體系的邏輯。溫哥華格式與上述幾種格式不同,它包含了任何作者-序號體系,但不規定格式的具體細節。
Vancouver 內文引用
Vancouver文內引用使用數位上標或括弧內的數位,放在作者姓名或相應的研究報告旁邊。 每個被引用的工作都應根據引用的順序分配一個唯一的編號。 如果同一作品被引用不止一次,每次都應使用相同的引文編號。
Diamond (1) states that the historical discrepancies between peoples are due to the ‘differences among peoples’ environments, not because of the biological differences among the peoples themselves’ (p.25).
Vancouver 參考文獻列表(Reference List)
(1) Diamond J. Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies. New York City: W.W. Norton; 1997.
(2) Rand A. The Art of Fiction: A Guide for Writers and Readers. New York City: Plume; 2000.
(3) Ishiguro K. Never Let Me Go. London: Faber & Faber; 2005.
溫哥華格式 (Vancouver) 網站
[姓氏] [名字首字母]. [網頁標題]. Available from: [URL] [Accessed [存取日期]].
[Last Name] [First Initial]. [Page Title]. Available from: [URL] [Accessed [Accessed Date]].
Kim A. The History and Big Business of Academic Publishing. Available from: https://medium.com/wordviceediting/the-history-and-big-business-of-academic-publishing-90a23bb7cc4c [Accessed 25th January 2021].
溫哥華格式 (Vancouver) 期刊文章(印刷版)
[姓氏] [名字首字母]. [文章標題]. [期刊名稱]. [發表年份]; [卷號]([期號]): [文章頁碼範圍].
[Last Name] [First Initial]. [Article Title]. [Journal Name]. [Year Published]; [Volume]([Issue]): [Entire Page Range of Article].
Encarnación-Pinedo E. On Webbed Monsters, Revolutionary Activists and Plutonium Glow: Eco-Crisis in Diane di Prima and Anne Waldman. Humanities. 2020; 10(4): 1-14.
溫哥華格式 (Vancouver) 期刊文章(電子版)
[姓氏] [名字首字母]. [文章標題]. [期刊名稱>]. [發表年份]; [卷號]([期號]): [文章頁碼範圍]. Available from: [URL或DOI] [Accessed [存取日期]].
[Last Name] [First Initial]. [Article Title]. [Journal Name>]. [Year Published]; [Volume]([Issue]): [Entire Page Range of Article]. Available from: [URL or DOI] [Accessed [Accessed Date]].
Encarnación-Pinedo E. On Webbed Monsters, Revolutionary Activists and Plutonium Glow: Eco-Crisis in Diane di Prima and Anne Waldman. Humanities. 2020; 10(4): 1-14. Available from: https://medium.com/wordviceediting/the-history-and-big-business-of-academic-publishing-90a23bb7cc4c [Accessed 25th January 2021].
溫哥華格式 (Vancouver) 書籍
[姓氏] [名字首字母]. [書名]. [出版地點]: [出版社名稱]; [出版年份].
[Last Name] [First Initial]. [Book Title]. [Publication Location]: [Publisher Name]; [Year Published].
Diamond J. Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies. New York City: W.W. Norton; 1997.
溫哥華格式 (Vancouver) 參考書目 ( Bibliography)